Core Training Multi Exercise Resistance Bands
Kit Description
kit accessories: Foam handles, Ankle straps, Door anchor, 5 hip resistance bands
- FullSet All 5 bands plus accessories
- 4 band plus accessories
- 3 band. plus accessories
- 2 band plus accessories
- 1 band plus accessories
Resistance bands are effective for a variety of workouts – they are a great tool for increasing strength and adding some muscle. You can also use them for fast-paced HIIT workouts if you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness and burn boatloads of calories.
Resistance bands are also the most portable form of fitness equipment. Pack them in your luggage and you can slip in a workout in a hotel room just as easily as you would in your own front room. Resistance bands are so popular you will never get stuck for ideas for a workout, all you would have to do is check our youtube page for great ideas.